Thursday, April 2, 2009

39 weeks....

Exactly 39 weeks today...didn't expect it to be so long...saw some mucus plug on Tue and I thought it's gonna be really soon...each day passed....still no other signs....sometimes having thoughts of having him induced...den I don't have to wait any longer....the anticipation is killin me...couldn't sleep well the past few nights...
Oh well...I shall be PATIENT PATIENT PATIENT...and let God decide when will be the best time for him to arrive....

Monday, March 30, 2009

38.6 weeks...

Went for my weekly checkup again....each time I wonder if I'll see my gynae at the clinic...or at the DELIVERY suite? Anyway...did all the routine tests as usual..
Spent a little more time doing CTG today as Tyler was moving about too much...and the heartbeat lost contact...naughty lil fellar...
Tyler's about 2.66kg today....Dr Chee checked my cervix and it's only about 1 cm dilated..still not ready she said...and no regular contractions either...
Guess it won't be anytime soon.....think Tyler is STILL too happy and contented in there...heh...
Well...we'll jus continue with this waiting game...till he's all ready to come into this world!
Guess I'm all ready....bag is already in Kenny's far the delivery stories I've heard lately have been quite comforting...epidural seems to be rather effective...guess I'll be taking that...just waiting for D day to finally arrive...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2 days to 38 weeks....

Went for my checkup yesterday....did routine checks like urine test, measurement of my weight (shan't disclose that...) and blood pressure...
Then went for the half and hour CTG monitor baby's heartbeat and to check for contractions...
Didn't have any regular contractions yet....Then went for ultra sound to check water bag level and check baby's weight..
Dr JJ Chee did a check and said that my cervix was not dilated yet....seems like Tyler is still happy and contented inside....
Tyler's around 2.5 kg....Dr Chee said it's 'smallish' but still ok....hmmm...guess the durians I have been eating didn't have much effect..heh...
Got a message from Mart this morning...who's 4 days ahead of me. She was already in the delivery suite....Wonder when's my turn?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Managed to use the remaining scrapbooking materials to make these....

Hand me downs....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

33 weeks....

Went for my checkup today...measured Tyler's head and body, checked his heartbeat and water bag level...everything was ok...he's about 1.93 kg today. Good thing that he's still facing down...
The sonographer said Tyler is active..moving about when she was trying to check his heartbeat...heh...the previous sonographer also said that...Hmmm....hope he doesn't get overly active when he's out...esp when its time to sleep!
Time has been passing by quite quickly...and my back has been aching a bit more...trying to do some of the yoga exercises that I can still remember...
3 weeks more...and Tyler can be out anytime! That's really really soon....Will he come out early? Will he be out late? Will my water bag burst when I'm having my class? Will I be able to bear with the pain? I must be thinking too much so that I end up dreaming about my delivery...
I dreamt that my water bag burst when I was at home...On another occasion, I dreamt that I took epidural and it was quite an easy delivery...hope this one will come true. Bought almost all the baby stuff aldy...just left with the baby wash and wet wipes...The cot and pram+car seat is finally brought back home...Quite lucky that I didn't have to buy much stuff...had quite a lot of things given to me...
My bag to the hospital is also half packed...guess I'm all ready to go!